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Photo  Competition

Biggar Science Festival

Laser Cutting.jpg

Each entry must be accompanied by a unique caption of up to 100 words. Tell us about
the subject of your image and why you think it is of scientific interest. There may be
something specific such as a geometric pattern, a natural or man-made structure or a
light effect such as refraction. Do you already know a lot about the science in the picture
or is it something that inspires you to find out more? Did the photograph need any
special photographic skills to create such as macro, telephoto or maybe just enormous
patience to wait for the right moment to occur?


1st, 2nd, and 3rd Prizes will be awarded for the best three entries in this competition, and for each age group:

  • Up to and including 16 years of age

  • 17 and over


Prizes will be in the form of vouchers redeemable in local shops and businesses.

1st prize: £50

2nd prize: £25

3rd prize: £10

Maximum 3 entries per person.


Submit via email:


Submit via Facebook Messenger: Click Here!


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